





한강, 2017

마침내 슬며시 그 손 놓으면 

두둥실 날아오르시겠지요 풍선처럼 
가벼워진 몸뚱이로 차곡차곡 
오래 짊어진 짐 여기 내려놓고

London, 2012

돌이키기에는 너무 늦어버린


언젠가 엎질러진 물처럼 

내게 주어졌으니

염창동, 서울, 2016


길이 안개 속으로 스며들자

안개는 스스로 길이 되었다

길을 잃지 않기 위해서는

안개를 좇아 길을 잊어야 한다

그러나 그때는 알지 못했으니

서둘러 모퉁이를 돌면 갈림길,

이제 그대와 나의 길이

더이상 만나지 않을 것임을

Jeju & Chungcheong, South Korea, 2014



진짜와 가짜를

구별할 수 있다고


London, 2013

Agency of Light (Diptych) - G4643

Agency of Light (Diptych) - BR3225

Agency of Light (Diptych) - BRY4455

Agency of Light (Diptych) - BRYG4225

Agency of Light (Diptych)

Analogue and Digital C-type Prints | 50.8cm x 60.1cm Each | 2013


As Buddhist Heart Sutra taught, 

‘nothing’ is not different from ‘thing’; 

form is indeed voidness and vice versa 

(“rūpa śūnyatā śūnyataiva rūpa”). 

Each diptych of this series, consisting of 

a photograph and a photogram of a colour composition 

created with simultaneous exposure, 

is a photographic contemplation on 

‘being’ and ‘nothingness’.


Colour is always affiliated to the ‘things’, 

but it does not belong to them. 

It is not substantial quality, 

but a variable, unfixable or temporal property of light. 

Thus, what is the colour, then? 

If even a transparent material can have a colour, 

what is colour? 

Is colour a ‘thing’?

Does a colour have a shadow? 

Moreover, colours are always changing 

according to the intensity, the angle, 

the shape or the temperature of light. 

Colour is an intractable 

yet enthralling and intoxicating phenomenon of light.


These diptychs are unique because of the picture of shadow, 

rather than the picture of ‘thing itself’. 

The photograph on the right side of each diptych is 

restrained with its paired photogram. 

Without its paired photograms, 

the photograph cannot convey its meaning. 

Thus, authenticity and reproducibility, 

primary colours and complementary colours, 

and eventually things and shadows are intermingled each other, 

by virtue of the agency of light

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